Posted Model Portfolios
 A Portfolio-of-Strategies Further Reduces Risk

Secret SOS

A Portfolio of Strategies

(Each Strategy selects a Home Run Hitter)


SectorSurfer levels the playing field with Wall Street by putting the power of award winning high performance investment algorithms in your hands. Its True Sector Rotation algorithm holds only the momentum leader during bull markets, and its StormGuard algorithm protects and grows your assets during bear markets. Only by owning the trend leader and avoiding the trend laggards can you simultaneously improve returns and reduce risk.

There's an Optimum Way to Invest

The layered Portfolio of Strategies structure was developed to provide the ultimate in risk/return performance during both bull and bear markets. Risk is not a one-dimensional problem cured by a single step of diversification. A Portfolio of Strategies utilizes four distinct types of diversification to overcome the inherent shortcomings of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA) and Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA). A Portfolio of Strategies includes these four risk-reducing, return-preserving steps:

1. Sector and asset class funds eliminate the risk of single company failure while still retaining better return prospects.
2. True Sector Rotation reduces risk by avoiding trend laggards, and improves returns by selecting only the trend leader.
3. StormGuard-Armor reduces risk by exiting the market when its three components indicate that stocks are no longer safe.
4. Bear Market Strategies make positive returns more likely during a market crash, reducing the risk of meeting your objectives.

A Portfolio of Strategies:
Within SectorSurfer, a Portfolio is defined as a collection of allocation weighted Strategies — meaning that the Portfolio owns the selection made by each Strategy on its list in proportion to the weighting specified. Its underlying Strategies  select and own the current trend leader among its candidate stocks/funds. SectorSurfer's algorithm optimally extracts trend signals from noisy market data utilizing the cross-disciplinary mathematics of electronic signal processing and matched filter theory, the same mathematics that enables Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and smart phones to perform so well.

Importing a Portfolio to your account requires the steps of (a) importing each of the underlying Strategies to your account, and (b) creating the Portfolio-of-Strategies manually for your account — because a Portfolio specifies the locations (rows) of each of the underlying Strategies, which will almost certainly be different for your account. 


 10 year performance values as of May 2020.
Name & Page Link Chart Ann.Rtn Sharpe Sortino Description
Own The Bubble ! 21% 1.7 10.6

This teaching Portfolio shows how True Sector Rotation enables you to embrace and Own the Bubble, rather than fearing it.

ETF Aggressive 31% 1.6 8.6

Allocation: four traditionally weighted ETF Strategies addressing US Sectors, US markets, world regions. and precious metals

ETF Conservative 20% 2.2 7.9

Allocation: four Strategies addressing US markets, world regions, bonds, and a dash of precious metals.

ETF Low Drawdown 19% 1.8 9.6

Allocation: four equally weighted conservative ETF Strategies that include income, bonds, and various broad market indexes. 

Fidelity Low Drawdown 19% 1.3 10.9

Allocation: three unequally weighted Strategies involving sectors, bond, and world region funds with a dash of L.T. treasuries.

Fidelity Funds 25% 1.5 10.2

Allocation: four unequally weighted Strategies, two with sector funds, and others including US markets and income/bonds.

Vanguard Funds 18% 1.6 7.3

Allocation: four semi-traditionally weighted Strategies involving sectors, mixed assets, US markets and income/bond funds.

Columbia Funds 16% 1.3 7.30

Allocation: four traditionally weighted Strategies involving US markets, world regions, bonds, gold, and a bit of LT treasuries.

   • SOS Premium Portfolios
Low Drawdown SOS 24% 1.8 12

Allocation: three equally weighted SOS composed of Vanguard funds, Fidelity funds, ETFs and a touch of LT treasuries.

ETF Ultra Alpha SOS 44% 1.4 7.5

Allocation: unequally weighted 2x SOS, 3x SOS, and a serious dose of the Stuffed Nose for VIX Strategy for smoothing.

Fisherman's Dream 39% 1.75 123

Allocation: equally weighted 2x SOS, ETF HoF SOS, Healthcare Stocks, and the Stuffed Nose for VIX Strategy for smoothing.

   • Stock Portfolios
Healthcare Sectors 42% 1.5 13.7

Allocation: equally weighted stock Strategies of four healthcare sub-sectors, each evaluating ten or more of the sector's large cap stocks.

   • Merlyn.AI Portfolios
Merlyn's Magic 26% 1.9 13.9

Allocation: 50% Sectors, 30% Global, 10% Factors, 10% Style Box for the aggressive investor.

Merlyn's Magic 16% 1.5 10.7

Allocation: 40% Bonds, 40% Style Box, 20% Global for the classic moderate risk investor.

Bull-Rider Bear-Fighter 22% 1.7 11.8

Allocation: 20% Bonds, 10% Style Mix, 10% Factors, 10% Global, 15% Countries, 35% Sectors. For the classic growth risk investor.

Tactical Growth & Income 13% 1.4 10.2

Allocation: 70% Bonds, 5% Dividends, 5% Global Regions, 5% Countries, 15% Sectors. For the classic conservative risk investor.

SSM Portfolio 30.5% 1.7 14.1

Allocation: 70% Sectors, 30% Geopoly-Sectors, For the classic growth risk investor.

SSM Portfolio 22.9% 1.7 10.5

Allocation: 35% Giga-Sectors, 30% Giga-Global, 35% Giga-Factors For the classic growth risk investor.

   • Personal Portfolios
Mark Juds' IRA 27% 1.3 8.9

Allocation: five unequally weighted Strategies  focused primarily on Fidelity and ETF sectors or a sector-country mix.

Scott Juds' IRA 29% 1.5 9.6

Allocation: five equally weighted aggressive Fidelity and ETF sector and VIX Strategies, including one 2x ETF Strategy.

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