Trade Alert Note: A strong market rebound of over 6% making a new high in over 6 weeks is a signal that indicates to Get-Back-in-Early without waiting
until month-end. It indicates a renewed bull market appeaars to have taken hold and neutralizes any other conflicting StormGuard-Armor triggers.
• What is a Strategy? A
Strategy, in the context of
Sector Surfing,
is a set of up to 12 mutual
funds, ETFs, or
stocks along with an
to evaluate the performance of each to determine which
one, and only one, is currently demonstrating leadership
and should be owned. You can browse the performance
characteristics of numerous ready-made
Free Strategies and
Premium Strategies, or you can create your own
Custom Strategy using the funds of your choice — an
important thing if you are limited to using only those
mutual funds offered by a company-sponsored retirement
Click the picture to the right to view the layout and
functions of the My Strategies page. This is where your
investment Strategies are managed and your Trade Alerts
are viewed. To go to the My Strategies page, click the My Account tab
on the top menu, and then the
My Strategies tab
on the second level menu. Since the Strategies on your page are yours alone to manage and edit, creation
of an account and login is required.
Click Here
to create an account — there is no cost to do so.
Algorithm Automation Simplicity! Although
indicator algorithms
can be complex and difficult to understand and
configure, the good
news is that we have totally automated the indicator
algorithm configuration for each Strategy according to
the character of your chosen funds/stocks.
There are significant differences in the behavior of
mutual funds, bonds, and stocks. For example,
commodities, such as oil and gold, will behave
differently from the stocks of companies that
manufacture consumer goods, or from funds holding
T-bills or certificates of deposit (money market funds).
SectorSurfer automatically determines the algorithm and
parameters most appropriate for the character of each
Strategy so you don't have to.
That's why we say "Our computers will do the hard work
while you go have a life!" Just throw a
set of funds at it, and SectorSurfer automatically
figures out how best to treat them.
Making a Custom Strategy A
Custom Strategy is simply made by editing any of the
ticker symbols in an existing Strategy, adding new
ticker symbol to a Strategy, or deleting an existing ticker symbol from a Strategy. All of these actions are
initiated by clicking the ticker symbol (or blank) to
open the popup window to "Find a Mutual Fund, ETF, or
Stock." The popup window enables you to search by either
ticker symbol or by words in its name. To add it to your
Strategy, click the
button. The popup window also provides a
means to delete the current ticker symbol by clicking
As shown above, when you place the mouse pointer above a
ticker symbol, its name, pertinent hold days, and early
trade fees are shown. At each step of your Strategy
development, you can check its progress by clicking the
chart icon, and selecting other properties of the
Strategy by clicking the
information icon. See more information about
Making Great Custom
Strategies here, and some simple rules for quickly
building a great
401k Strategy here.
Short Video Tour
We highly recommend that you view the short My
Strategies Tour video by clicking the video icon to the
left. It will quickly demonstrate all of the
significant features and functionality of the page and
likely save you a lot of time reading detailed
instructions and eliminate the frustration of guessing
how everything works.
Making a Strategy-of-Strategies A
Strategy-of-Strategies uses special ticker
symbols to refer to your other Strategies. As with a
normal SectorSurfer Strategy, it will pick the one, and
only one, best performing Strategy from among up to 12
candidates. Use the
ticker symbol
format of SSSnn, for SectorSurferStrategy
# nn, where nn does not have a leading zero if it
is only a single digit. You can also mix normal ticker
symbols with the Strategy ticker symbols if you like. A
make buy/sell decisions and thus is
not a free Strategy. Finally, all referenced Strategies must come before
(lower number than) the Strategy-of-Strategies because Strategies are processed sequentially every evening and all referenced Strategies must be processed before the
Strategy-of-Strategies in order for it to produce meaningful
results. See also the concept of a
My Strategy Page Controls, Column-by-Column
Strategy Number and Subscription Status
In the left column of your Strategies list is the
Strategy number and its subscription payment status.
Three examples are shown for Strategy #1. The first
indicates that it is a FREE
Strategy that will never require
a subscription fee to receive email Trade Alerts and see
the most recent trade. The next two are for a
Premium Strategy that requires a paid subscription
to receive email Trade Alerts and see the most recent
trade. PAID
indicates the subscription fee
has been paid. NOT PAID
indicates that either the
subscription fee has not been paid or that the
subscription has lapsed, thus disabling the
ability to see the most recent trade. To fix a
subscription problem, click the
button that appears on the page and follow the
Add Strategies to Your List The My
Strategies page contains your personal list of up to 30
Active Strategies for which Trade Alerts are sent
and may require a subscription fee, and up to 20
Sandbox Strategies
which are for experimental evaluation, but neither send
Trade Alerts nor require a subscription fee. Three brief
performance measures of the Strategy are shown below
its name: (1) Score,
a measure of risk-adjusted return, (2) Safety, a measure of
return severely punished by large drawdowns, and (3) the
Max Drawdown in
any 2-year rolling measurement period.
There are
three ways to add a Strategy to your list:
1. Select ready-made Strategies by
clicking the Strategy
icon and considering the Strategies presented in the
Select-A-Strategy popup window. Click the row of the
Strategy to select it, then click the
at the bottom of the page to add it to your Strategies list.
2. Import a
Strategy using a Strategy-ID by clicking the
icon, pasting the Strategy-ID into the text box at
the upper right. Then click the
button above the text box. To send a Strategy-ID to a
friend, click
the Information
icon to find the Strategy-ID, then copy and paste it
into an email.
3. Assemble
your own Custom Strategy
by clicking the
ticker symbol positions in the Strategy List and
selecting one
from the many thousands of
mutual funds,
ETFs, or index stocks on
the list that pops up. Additional details and tips
for building great Custom Strategies are detailed below.
View Trade Signal History for a Strategy You may view the Trade Signal History for
a Strategy by clicking the
History icon. The Trade Signal History, as pictured to
the right, should not be confused with the Actual Trade
History found in the Trade Information section of the
page. The Trade Signal History is what the Strategy
algorithm says one should have done to achieve the
results portrayed on the charts.
The list shows the
entire history of trade signals, days held, performance
for each holding compared to the S&P 500 and the
cumulative value for both the Strategy and S&P 500 had
you invested $10,000 in each at the start of the
available data for the Strategy.
The generic
symbol $CASH is used when
StormGuard directs you to
move to the safety of a money market fund. Not
everyone has access to the same money market funds, and
they are all pretty much like "peas in a pod", so
whatever your brokerage has available will work just
At the bottom of the listing, you can click the
button to download a CSV (comma separated variables)
spreadsheet of all the important Strategy
statistics and trade signal history. It also contains
daily data for the Strategy and the reference fund.
Correct Interpretation of History Data:
common misinterpretation of the Trade Signal History
data is that each line reports
performance associated with the BUY fund. The correct
interpretation is that it reports the status on the date
found in the left-hand column. On the day of the Trade
Signal Date, one has only just bought the BUY fund. Thus
the performance data reported relates to the SELL fund. A good reminder
of this is the 4th column title "Days
Held (fund sold)." Thus, when
you click to view the example above-right, the
proper interpretation is: On Jan 31, 2011 SectorSurfer
signaled to
BUY EWY and to sell IIH which had been held for 248
days. During the 248 day period from May 28, 2010, to Jan
31, 2011, the S&P 500 returned 19.5% and the Strategy
returned 23.0%.
View Strategy Performance Charts You may
view the current performance charts for a Strategy by
clicking its
Chart icon. In a single view, five separate charted
measures of risk and return performance are provided, as
described in the
About SectorSurfer Charts section
Fresh charts are
made within a few seconds whenever you make a change to
a Strategy to enable evaluation of the change's effects.
Fresh charts are also produced: (a) during daily data
update processing, (b) when a Strategy is imported to
your list, and (c) when you change a fund in the
Strategy or change its Minimum Hold Time (see below).
Strategy Information The Strategy
Information popup window contains these elements:
• Strategy Name editing so you can
rename it to something meaningful to you.
• Strategy Notes editing so you can
better remember which investment account this Strategy
is meant to control.
• Strategy Classification to indicate
the investment style. This is for your reference only,
it does not affect the Strategy.
• Strategy Minimum Hold Time to
control when a Trade Alert can be issued. (See notes
just below.)
• Strategy-ID number for you to copy
and paste into an email so a friend can import an exact
copy of the Strategy.
Note: The Information
icon will be replaced with the
warning icon if SectorSurfer detects a problem with one
of your Strategies (such as one of the funds going
defunct). The warning message will be displayed when the
icon is clicked.
• Minimum Hold Time
There are seven choices for the Strategy Minimum Hold
Time, as listed below. You can select one in the
Strategy Information popup window by clicking the
icon to the right of the Strategy name. This
parameter can be used to make SectorSurfer's
algorithms comply with minimum hold time
requirements, whether imposed by a particular fund, or
by a particular investment plan. For example,
most mutual funds and ETFs have no minimum hold time.
However, Fidelity Sector Funds all have a 30-day minimum
hold time with a 0.75% early trading fee, most Fidelity
International Funds have a 90-day minimum hold time with
a 1.5% early trading fee, and all 529 College Savings
Plans have a one-year government mandated minimum hold
SectorSurfer maintains a file of the minimum hold time
and early trading fee for hundreds of popular funds;
however, there are many thousands of funds available. If
we have the information for your fund, it will be listed
in the right column of the Find-A-Fund popup window on
the My Strategies page, or in the screen tip text that appears when your mouse
pointer is placed over the ticker symbol to display its
name. When
SectorSurfer knows the minimum hold time for a fund, it
is incorporated into the trading algorithm only if the
"Trade Automatic" setting is selected. Currently, we have
the minimum hold information for Fidelity, Vanguard, and
American funds. In the future, on request, we will add
such information for other funds of importance to you to
support your custom Strategies.
SectorSurfer generates a new Trade Alert when trend
leadership changes according to the Hold Time Option
selected: • Trade Automatic
Trade alerts issue at month end only, but will wait
additional months if a fund hold time is > 30 days. • Trade Any Day - Trade
alerts issue immediately, but you'll be warned if a fund
hold time is violated. • Trade Weekend - Trade
alerts issue on the weekend only, but you'll be warned
if a fund hold time is violated. • Trade Month End
- Trade alerts issue at month end only,
but you'll be warned if a fund hold time is violated. • Trade if >30
days - Trade alerts issue if the current
fund has been held at least 30 days. • Trade if > 60
days - Trade alerts issue if the current
fund has been held at least 60 days. • Trade if > 90
days - Trade alerts issue if the fund
has been held at least 90 days. • Trade if >
6 months
- Trade alerts issue at month end
only if the current fund has
been held at least 6 months. • Trade if > 1
- Trade alerts issue if the current fund has
been held at least 1 year.
Note:Trade Automatic is the default
setting for a good reason. Not only does it watch out
for special hold time rules for funds, but it also
trades month-end, which almost always performs better
Trade Any Day
because it can be shown that the trend
signals actually do become more reliable around the end
of the month when many fund managers start making next
month's changes. This is documented in the
Exponent Fingerprint section of the Sector Rotation Theory page. If you are anxious to have a faster
responding system, please read about
The Faster Response False Dilemma.
Note:Changing Minimum Hold Time will
cause the algorithm to re-evaluate and determine what
the best parameters are for the Strategy, and could
result in using a longer or shorter trend measurement
period, and consequently a possible change in the one
designated as the trend leader. Determining the trend
leader depends heavily on the period of time over which
the trend is measured. Imposing a holding period imparts
a delay effect much like changing the trend measuring
time constants, thus it should be expected that changing
the Minimum Hold Time rule will cause a change in the
optimum trend measuring time constants.
• Fund or Stock Ticker Symbols By clicking the position of a ticker symbol,
the Find a Fund,
ETF or Stock popup window will appear
and enable you to search by either ticker symbol or by
words in its name. To add it to your Strategy, click the
button. The popup window also provides a
means to delete the current ticker symbol by clicking
As shown above, when you place the mouse pointer above a
ticker symbol, its name, pertinent hold days, and early
trade fees are shown.
Mutual Funds & ETFs:
There are in excess of 12,000
mutual funds and ETFs available to choose from. Please contact us
if there is a mutual fund or ETF that is
important to you but is not on the list. We will
do our best to make it available provided it has at
least 3 years of data.
The reason for requiring 3 years of
data is that SectorSurfer's algorithm cannot properly
characterize a fund that has not seen a variety of
market conditions, and you risk the possibility of
unexpected Strategy behavior in the future. If you must
have a fund or ETF with shorter duration history,
you may be in love with it for the wrong reason. The
right reason is having increased probability of higher
returns and decreased probability of loss. A sexy name
or low introductory fee is not a sound reason for a
financial marriage — long-term character matters.
Stocks Available for Strategies:
Our database, from FastTrack, contains well over 3,000 U.S.
Stocks from the three major exchanges (NYSE,
AMEX, NASDAQ), which include many
foreign stocks listed for trading on the U.S. markets as an
ADR (American
Depositary Receipt). However, we generally do not
make new stocks available until they have about 3
years of data. SectorSurfer's algorithm cannot properly
characterize a stock that has not seen a variety of market
conditions, and you risk the possibility of unexpected
Strategy behavior in the future.
Note: Ticker Symbol Changes Causes
Re-Optimization: Each time you change one of the ticker symbols,
SectorSurfer will re-make your Strategy chart so you can
immediately see the effect of your changes.
Note: Changing any
ticker symbol or the Strategy minimum hold time causes SectorSurfer to
re-evaluate and determine what the best parameters are
for the Strategy, and could result in using a longer or
shorter trend measurement period, and consequently a
possible change in the one designated as the trend leader.
Determining the trend leader depends heavily on the
period of time over which the trend is measured.
Performance ranking last week is not the same as
performance ranking last month. Consider that there are
many routes to your favorite restaurant, and right now
there is an optimum set of roads in the route. But that may
change if some roads are closed and new ones are opened, or
if you impose a rule for how frequently you can make a turn.
Likewise in a Strategy, there are often multiple
sequences of ticker symbols that produce fairly similar
results, and
small changes to the Strategy can cause a different
sequence to
become the optimum sequence.
Extended History Ticker Symbols
The data history length of each of your Strategy ticker
symbols can have a profound effect on the projected
performance of your Strategy. For example, if you are
modeling a Strategy with the original 9 SPDR sector ETFs
and you want to see if additional safety is afforded by
adding either IEF or TLT (treasury fund ETFs) to the
Strategy, you will quickly note that neither of these
ETFs has data that extends back past mid-2002 and thus
they cannot suitably model
performance of the intended Strategy during the 2001-2002 market
crash. Matters are even worse if you want to use the UBT (2x treasury ETF)
because its data does not start until
January 2010, thus making it impossible to model performance during either of the two recent
market crashes.
One solution to the problem of satisfactory modeling is to create artificially
extended versions of important modeling symbols.
Some of these symbols can be artificially extended by
adding on older data portions taken from another fund
that can act as a proxy for this fund during earlier
periods. Leveraged 2x and 3x ETFs require the use of a
scale factor when extending them using 1x data.
However, 2x and 3x ETFs have other characteristics that
require a scale factor somewhat less than would be
expected from its name. The main cause of this problem
is volatility, which causes daily rebalanced ETFs to
decay over time (go ahead ...
Google that). The scale factors we used were derived
from actual performance comparisons during generally
rising markets (which is the only time the relative
scale factor matters with True Sector Rotation). These
extended ticker
symbols have a "-" added to them to indicate they are
extended versions. A list of the available extended
history ticker symbols follows:
Tip #1.
One of the better uses for the long-term treasury ETFs
is with StormGuard as the Bear
Market Symbol so that when StormGuard
triggers, instead of going to the safety of $CASH (your
favorite money market fund), you will instead receive a
trade alert to buy the specified Bear Market Symbol. Since long-term
treasuries are negatively correlated to the S&P 500, you
can generally expect a bit of a performance improvement
when implemented. Click to expand the Treasury ETFs
comparison chart (right) showing the significant
difference between these ETFs, and their differences in
character from the S&P 500. Numerous ready-made
Bear Market Strategies have been designed
to span the range of aggressiveness and address the
problem that long-term treasuries
have not always been negatively correlated
to stocks.
Tip #2.
The 1x ETFs in
the pink section were extended to
provide better Strategy modeling in conjunction with
Strategies using SPY, MDY, and the original SPDR sector
ETFs, all of which have histories that go back to the mid/late
Tip #3.
The 2x leveraged ETFs in the grey section and the 3x
leveraged ETFs in the orange section were extended to
have a common start date of 1/2/2004 so they all could
participate in the initial tuning of the Strategy, as
opposed to effectively tuning for one set of ETFs, and
then starting forward walk with a different expanded set
of ETFs that may not play together well in the same way.
Your objective, as a Strategy designer, is to provide
the algorithm with a truly representative sample of
Strategy characteristics prior to the specified BornOn
Date so that it can properly tune itself.
Tip #4.
The VIX futures contract ETNs in the bottom section
aren't for the faint of heart. We've posted an example
Strategy on the
popup list entitled "A Nose for VIX." While it has
posted strong returns, its volatility is quite high. It
may inspire contemplation (over a glass of red) whether
these funds have completely crossed the line from that
of investing to gambling. There is not even a remote
connection to owning a piece of a company's assets or
earnings. Ah, but in the end, is it really any different
from owning a pack of faceless companies in a fund that
you trade for another pack in just 30 days proving you
really are just betting on the froth rather than loyally
supporting development of a worthy, innovative
• BUY/SELL Trade
This is where the trade details can be viewed,
including: (1) the trade signal date and BUY/SELL
ticker symbol information, (2) a red
button to acknowledge completion of the recommended
trade and to inform SectorSurfer that you have completed
the task so that no further reminder emails will be
sent, and (3) a green
button to indicate that you have already acknowledged
the most recent trade. If you find you acknowledged a
trade in error, click the
Strategy Trade History icon where you will find the
button to undo the trade acknowledgement status in our
system (not the actual trade at your brokerage).
When StormGuard indicates it is time to move to/from the
safety of a money market fund, it uses the generic
symbol $CASH
for the Buy/Sell ticker symbol because not everyone has
access to the same money market fund. When you see
substitute your favorite money market fund. When
creating a new Strategy it is important to choose a good
entry point into the Strategy's recommended fund. If
there are only a few days until the next likely Trade
Alert or if the last recommended Buy ticker symbol has a
short-term trend that has gone negative then
SectorSurfer's algorithm will use the
symbol to indicate you should wait a bit for a better
entry point into the Strategy. For Strategies that trade
month-end, the $WAIT will always be resolved into one of
the ticker symbols at month-end. In the meantime,
acknowledge the $WAIT signal by clicking the red button.
There is also important and specific technical trade advice offered
when you see the
icon. Always be sure to read and consider this important
information. The -NEW-
ticker symbol will appear as the SELL symbol for new
Strategies that have no prior recorded history of trade
acknowledgements to specify what you actually do own and
should sell.
Warning or Special Trade Advice If there
is a special situation regarding the recommended trade,
Warning icon appears instead of the
icon. When you click the icon, the warning message will
be displayed. The message could be generated for
numerous reasons, including: (1) the current fund you
own may have a stronger trend signal than any of the
funds in the new Strategy you have just selected, (2)
one of the funds in your Strategy is defunct and should
be deleted or replaced, or (3) you have just created a
new Strategy and special technical advice is offered.
Trade Options Information
If there are no special considerations associated with
the suggested trade, the
Trade Options Information icon appears to the right of
button, to let you know that there are multiple options
for how one might respond to the recommended trade. When
the Option Information icon is clicked, the following
text is displayed:
You have four options for acknowledging this trade:
1. Click the Broker link to go to your
brokerage account and make the trade and then return
here and click the Acknowledge Trade button so
SectorSurfer will no longer send you email reminder
Trade Alerts.
2. Delay making the trade until a later
or better time and don't click the Acknowledge Trade
button until then.
3. Reject this Strategy in favor of
another Strategy by clicking the
Strategy icon and selecting a new Strategy from the
4. Exit for the sidelines to sit in
cash (any money market fund) for a while until you
figure out what to do.
View Strategy Trade History You may view
the history of trades you have made in a Strategy by
clicking the
History icon in the Trade Information column. Unlike the
"Trade Signal History" controlled by the Strategy
algorithm, this is a list of all trades you have
acknowledged, rejected, or that still may be pending. It
is a log of your activity for this particular "bucket of
money," not a list of "trade signals" for the Strategy.
If you acknowledged a trade in error, click the
button on this screen to undo the trade acknowledgement
status in our system (not the actual trade at your
Change Brokerage Link In the far right
column is the link to your brokerage to make the actual
trade. You can change the brokerage link by clicking the
Brokerage icon. There you can select from a list of
dozens of brokerages, or enter your own brokerage name
and link.
Delete a Strategy from Your List To delete
a Strategy, click on the
Delete icon on the far right of the Strategy line. You
will be asked to confirm that you really do want to
delete the Strategy before it is removed. The first
Active Strategy has a grey icon indicating you cannot
delete the first Strategy - but you can edit it or
import another Strategy over it.
Strategy Charts
• Charts Demo Video We
recommend viewing the short demo video, to the right,
describing our comprehensive Strategy charts. Each
SectorSurfer Strategy chart contains the information you
need to evaluate a Strategy's risk and return
performance. By clicking the
Chart icon, you can instantly compare and contrast the
performance of Strategies you are evaluating. Fresh
charts for each Strategy are generated (a) each night
during our daily processing, (b) when you import a
Strategy to your list, and (c) instantly when you make
any change to the Strategy.
Each SectorSurfer chart (click image to the right)
contains these 7 features: (1) a
logarithmic price chart showing all of the Strategy's
constituent funds along with the S&P 500 Index plotted
in white and the SectorSurfer's results plotted in
yellow; (2) a bar chart comparing the
annualized return performance of the Strategy and the
S&P 500 Index over 3-Years, 10-Years, and Max-Years;
the Sharpe Ratio measure of risk; (4)
the 10-year maximum drawdown; (5) the
probability of loss of real money; (6)
the relative trend strength for each fund in the
Strategy; and (7) the StormGuard
• Screen Popup Text
Each major element of the chart has popup explanatory
text when you place the mouse pointer over it, and some
further provide clickable links to portions of this
CLICK HERE to see an example of the popup text.
• Logarithmic Price Chart A logarithmic price chart has the advantage of vertical
interval spacing that provides the
same percentage change for each interval.
On a logarithmic price chart, performance is measured
relative to its price at the start of the chart — hence
everything starts at 0.0% return on the left side and
goes from there.
On the chart to the right,
the first vertical interval above 0.0% is 41.4%. A 41.4%
gain at the first vertical interval grid line means our
total account value at this level is 1.414 times as
large as the starting value. We have the original unit
amount (1.0) plus the return (.414). Thus, if we started
with $1,000, we would now have $1,414.
Likewise, the next
interval up will be another 41.4% return, compounded on
top: $1,000 x 1.414 x 1.414 = $2,000, which is a 100%
return on the original amount. With another 41.4% return
we would have $2,000 x 1.414 = $2,828, which is $1,828
more than what we started with and a total return of
183% — and so on.
One nice feature of this is that a straight line
represents a constant percent return per year. For
example, if you drew a straight line along the crests of
the bumps of the yellow curve, it would have a slope
that takes approximately 11 years to raise 7 intervals
(.64 intervals per year), or roughly .64 x 41.4% =
26.5% per year.
As can be appreciated when viewing this chart, the
relative performance of the Strategy's performance
(plotted in yellow) can be compared to the S&P 500 index
(plotted in white) and each of the constituent funds. By
clicking one of the blue buttons in the lower right, the
logarithmic chart can be viewed in three different time
scales — 3-Years, 10-Years, and Max-Years (where Max is
the full number of years in the fund database for at
least two of the funds). If fewer than 10 years of data
is available, the 10-Year button will disappear.
Annualized Return Bar Chart
Below the logarithmic price chart is the annualized
return bar chart that compares the annualized return
(average yearly return) performance of the Strategy to
the S&P 500 Index over the most recent 3-Years,
10-Years, and Max-Years. The numerical value for
SectorSurfer's performance for each of those periods is
located below its corresponding vertical bar.
• Sharpe Ratio Risk Measure The Sharpe Ratio is commonly used in the
financial industry to measure an investment's added
return over that of a very safe money market fund
relative to the higher investment risk taken. It is
named for William Sharpe, Professor of Finance,
Emeritus, at Stanford University's Graduate School of
Business and the winner of the 1990 Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economic Sciences. The mathematical expression for
the Sharpe Ratio is:
Sharpe Ratio = (Fund Average Return - Money
Market Return) / (Fund Standard Deviation)
The Fund Average Return is calculated by first finding
the ratio of the ending value to the starting value of
the fund, finding its Nth root, and subtracting one —
where N is the number of years between the starting
value and the ending value. The
Fidelity SPRXX money market fund is used as the riskless
reference return to beat.
Fund Average Return = (EndValue/StartValue)^(1/N) - 1
The Fund Standard Deviation is calculated by stepping
through the database day-by-day and calculating
gain/loss from one year earlier less the Average Annual
Return, squaring it and summing it to form a
TotalVariationSquared value. The TotalVariationSquared
is then divided by the total number of days. By taking
the square root of this value we get the Fund Standard
Sortino Ratio Risk Measure The Sortino Ratio is commonly used in the
financial industry to measure an investment's added
return over that of a very safe money market fund
relative to the higher investment risk taken. The ratio
is named for Dr. Frank A. Sortino, an early popularizer
of downside risk optimization. The mathematical expression for
the Sortino Ratio is:
Sortino Ratio = (Fund Average Return - Money
Market Return) / (Downside Deviation)
The Fund Average Return is calculated by first finding
the ratio of the ending value to the starting value of
the fund, finding its Nth root, and subtracting one —
where N is the number of years between the starting
value and the ending value. The
Fidelity SPRXX money market fund is used as the riskless
reference return to beat.
Fund Average Return = (EndValue/StartValue)^(1/N) - 1
The Downside Deviation is calculated by stepping
through the database day-by-day and calculating
gain/loss from one month earlier relative to the monthly
return of the money market fund. If, and only if, the
monthly return is less than the money market return is
the difference in return (StrategyMonthlyReturn -
M.M.MonthlyReturn) squared and added to a TotalVariationSquared value. The TotalVariationSquared
is then divided by the total number of days. By taking
the square root of this value we get the Downside
Relative Risk (R.Risk) is calculated as the ratio of
downside deviations
between a portfolio of interest and
the S&P 500 Index. The R.Risk value is displayed on
all SectorSurfer charts in the statistics
section as well as on the Relative Risk chart (right). A
Strategy or Portfolio
with a 71% R.Risk has a downside deviation that is only
71% as large as the S&P 500 Index. The downside
deviation is calculated using quarterly returns measured
daily across the entire time span of the portfolio's
equity curve. To ensure consistency of the ratio, the
same time span is used for computing the downside
deviation value of the S&P 500 Index. Please also see
the Prudent, Suitable, and Relative Risk section below.
In this example Strategy chart, the Reference S&P500
(white) has a R.Risk of 100% and 8% annualized return.
The Strategy (yellow) has a R.Risk of 30.8% (relative to
the S&P500) and a return of about 32%. The R.Risk and
return for each of the underlying funds is also plotted.
Relative Trend Strength
The Trend Strength is the final singular figure of merit
SectorSurfer generates and uses to determine which one,
and only one, of the funds has taken leadership and
should be owned. The green-bar trend chart is calibrated
in percent return per month and is an indicator of
possible returns next month — to the degree that the
current trend continues. Although "trend" means that
something in the recent past tells us something about
the near future, the future is also buffeted by the
random events of the world.
Trade Alert vs. Top Trend: It is
important to understand that just because a fund/stock
makes it to the top of the Trend Chart does not mean
that you should instantly run out and buy it. Each
Strategy also has a "Minimum Hold Time" rule, such as
"Trade Month-End," which determines when the Strategy
will actually employ the Trend information and possibly
generate an email Trade Alert. In the case of Trade
Month-End, only after the market close on the last
trading day of each month will the algorithm check the
Trend for each of the funds/stocks to determine if there
is a new leader, and if so, update the Sell/Buy
information for the Strategy and send an email Trade
Alert. It's not uncommon for one fund to be in the lead
mid-month, but another to take the lead near the end of
the month before the actual decision is made. Only with
the "Trade Any Day" setting will a new email Trade Alert
be sent on the exact day there is a new trend leader.
Reasons for selecting more restrictive settings include
early trade fees for some mutual funds, and that
generally, month-end trading actually does perform betteras
described here. You can edit the Strategy's
Minimum Hold Time parameter by clicking the
Information icon to the right of the Strategy name on
the My Strategies page.
Inconsistent Trend Position:
It's not uncommon to see a pair of funds in one Strategy
have trend ranks become reversed when they are both also
in a second Strategy. The reason this is possible (and
rational) is that there is no perfect fixed definition
for "Trend" that is optimum for everything. One fund may
have a better one-week trend, but the other may have a
better one-month trend. Thus, positions can swap
depending on exactly how the trends are measured. Each
Strategy has a custom set of trend algorithm parameters
that are determined specifically for the set of funds in
the Strategy. If one or more of the funds change, it is
likely there will be at least a small variation in what
constitutes the optimum measure of trend for the
Strategy Editing: Further to the
point above, if you change something in a Strategy and
then reverse the change, there is no guarantee that the
original set of trend parameters will be used again.
Parameters are determined in full view of all past
market data. Thus, parameters set with data that is
current, versus data from one year ago, will likely be
a little different. A difference in how the trend
is measure can result in a slightly different path of
fund ownership. Similarly, a change in the Minimum Hold
Time will also generally change the optimum parameters
for measuring the trend. There is more than one route to
your favorite restaurant, but the optimum route will depend on how traffic patterns change over
time, on roads that are added or deleted, and on whether traffic lights
get installed.
Unsubscribed Premium Strategy:
When you view an unsubscribed
Premium Strategy, such as this one
(click here), you will note the yellow text on
the relative strength bar chart that says "Unsubscribed
Strategy — 90-day-old trend data." If you are using a
Free Strategy, or you have a
paid subscription, then this message will not appear
and the green bar trends will be current. You may freely
evaluate any unsubscribed Premium Strategy and build and
evaluate your own Custom Strategies without paying a
subscription fee, but the green trend bar chart and the
Buy/Sell information will not be current.
• StormGuardTM
seven different
Indicators shown in the figure to the right that are
used on SectorSurfer charts to show you the general
state of the market.
there is a market storm, SectorSurfer's
algorithm will override the normal selection of the best
fund in the Strategy to instead provide a trade signal
to move your funds to a safe money market fund. This is
asset class
rotation. The StormGuard Indicator is located on the
right side of the title bar of the chart, as shown in
the figure to the right. It includes a numerical value
which appears to the left of the icon. When the
StormGuard Indicator value goes negative the Strategy
will produce a Trade Alert (according to the rules
below) to indicate that you should move to the safety of
a money market fund. StormGuard uses the generic
in the Buy/Sell fields to mean "pick a money market fund
available to you" because not everyone has access to a
common money market fund.
The character of the StormGuard Indicator is shown in the
chart to the right. Its value will typically range from
about -4% to +4%. The value is calculated daily using a
proprietary algorithm that may be reasonably described
as a differential multi-order exponential moving average
on a basket of broad market indicators. It is designed
to perform a balanced optimization to simultaneously
reduce whip-saw losses from knee-jerk reactions to
market dips by not reacting too quickly, and minimize
the crippling losses from long duration market storms by
not reacting too slowly.
For practical examples of real
world events, please check out these two articles:
Please note that the StormGuard Indicator may be
slightly different from one Strategy to the next as can
be seen when viewing a few of the charts on the
Example Strategies page. This is because each
Strategy is separately evaluated to determine the amount
of storm protection required according to the character of
its funds. For example, a Strategy composed of broadly
diversified funds will do best if it exits to $CASH as
soon as broad market averages start a protracted
decline, whereas other Strategies composed of sector
funds are likely to have one or more funds doing a bit
better than the broad market averages as the market
decline commences, and thus should be allowed a little
more running room before exiting.
StormGuard Versions: SG-Std, SG-AQR
and SG-Armor The standard version
of StormGuard is compliant with the
trade hold setting for your Strategy, including the
Trade Automatic setting which respects extended hold
requirements of certain mutual funds. StormGuard - AQR
(asymmetric quick response) is designed to "come out of
the hole" quicker following a major market selloff and
does not respect the trade hold rules. StormGuard-Armor is designed for
maximum safety and the ultimate in using multiple
factors to determine when to exit the market. Please
read more about these options at the
StormGuard-Options page to better
understand the features and benefits of each. The "Faster Response" False Dilemma
is a common investment strategy fallacy leading to
hair-trigger "ants in the pants" when the markets look
scary, with an ever stronger desire for shorter time
constants to tighten up the response. The reason this is
a false dilemma is because shorter time constants do not
lead to better returns. There actually is an optimum
time constant, as described earlier, that balances
whipsaw losses from when one reacts too quickly, against
major decline losses from when one reacts too slowly.
Please consider this carefully as you review the meaning
of the white chart (that emerges) in the
Trade Signal Stationarity topic on the Sector
Rotation Theory page. The reason why month-end trading
generally performs better is documented in the
Hurst Exponent Fingerprint section of the Sector
Rotation Theory page. Additionally, if you have not yet
done so, please also read this pertinent article: Should
You be Panic Selling on Bad News? No!
SwanGuard for Rapid Black Swan Market Events
SwanGuard is an exception to the rule above which
counsels to exercise patience rather than knee-jerk
reactions to trade that typically result in whipsaw
losses. When the move in volatility, equities, and
treasuries are all sufficiently extreme to indicate the
start of a rare and extreme Black Swan market event,
SectorSurfer’s SwanGuard Indicator will trigger at any
time of the month and send trade alerts to head for
safety. Please see the
SwanGuard page for
complete details.
Dual Defense, TrendGuard, and Backstop Funds
This relatively advanced concept combines StormGuard (as
the first line of defense) with TrendGuard (as the second
line of defense) to more completely defend your Strategy from the ravages
of short-lived or transitioning bear markets,
particularly if the
set of candidate funds in your Strategy should all
happen to start performing poorly relative to a Backstop
fund that is designed to compete for momentum leadership
against the set of candidate funds seeking to establish
a performance floor. Please see the
Backstop Dual Defense page
for complete details.
StormGuard Bear Market Symbol
The default setting for StormGuard when a bear market
rages is to recommend moving to the safety of $CASH (any
money market fund). A major market crash can last more
than a year, as it did in both the 2001-02 and 2008-09
bear markets. By specifying something other than $CASH
for the Bear Market Symbol in StormGuard's advanced
options settings, you can do something more proactive
than simply hiding until the sun shines on the market
again. To access StormGuard's advanced settings, click
the Information icon and the
button to show the StormGuard options, which include a
text box for entering a Bear Market Symbol. The default
setting is $CASH, which means that when StormGuard
triggers the BUY symbol will be "$CASH" (representing
your favorite money market fund). You can change the
Bear Market Symbol to anything you like, including; (a) mutual funds, ETFs,
(b) special
extended history ticker symbols, (c) our
ready-made Bear Market
Strategies ticker symbols, or (d)
the special ticker symbols used for the
If you use a Strategy-of-Strategies special ticker
symbol, such as AD12, then your Strategy will import
the equity curve from your own AlphaDroid Strategy #12
as the bear market Strategy to use when StormGuard
For example, setting the Bear Market Symbol to "UBT-"
means that instead of modeling the StormGuard period by
simply going to $CASH, it will instead model the period
using the extended history version of UBT, a 2x
leveraged long-term Treasury ETF. Long-term treasury
funds are somewhat negatively correlated to the market
and will almost always make a worthy improvement to your
Strategy's performance, particularly when paired with
SG-AQR. Treasury funds vary considerably according to
the period of time their holdings are committed. Ten
variations are listed in the extended history ticker symbols
section, which is provided to aid in Strategy
backtesting through artificially extending their history
to include one or both market crashes. Strategies
that are tamer do well with TLT-. Sector rotation
Strategies will likely do better with UBT- or TYD.
More volatile stocks and leveraged ETF Strategies will
likely do best with TYD- or TMF-. Numerous ready-made Bear Market
Strategies have been designed to span the
range of aggressiveness and address the problem of
hindsight selection bias that may cause us
to favor use of long-term treasuries based on their
recent negative correlation to stocks, even though
it has not always been the case.
• Score, Safety and
CAGR (Return) Score:
Each chart contains a Score value intended to represent
overall performance in a single number. The formula
includes the average return for all years, the average
return for the most recent three years, and the Risk Of
Loss value for the Strategy. Both long and short-term
performance are important, and excess risk reduces
the Score. The exact equation is shown below.
Higher Scores are better.
Strategies constructed from general purpose diversified
funds typically produce Scores in the 45 to 55 range,
while a good selection of sector funds may produce a
Score in the 80 to 100+ range. If a Strategy has only a
short history (of about 5 years or less), be cautious of
reading too much into the comparative value of the
The Safety value is designed to aid evaluation of
Strategy suitability for conservative retirement
portfolios. Previously we used a formula that included
the Max Drawdown. However, because it does not specify
how long it is drawn down or how often it is drawn down
it was eventually judged to be much less reliable as a
measure than we had hoped. The new method relies upon
the Sortino Ratio, which is Return/(negative-deviation),
but further divides it by Relative Risk to ensure it is
more heavily affected by negative-deviation than it is
by return. A Strategy with a Safety of 10 or higher is
really quite good. The calculations are made from
data available in the downloadable CSV spreadsheet on
the Trade Signal History popup page. Examples of excellent Safety
Strategies with smooth and uniform returns can be found
on the
Hall of Fame page.
Safety =
(Sortino Ratio)/(Relative Risk)
Compound Annual Growth Rate is the annualized rate of
return. It is the constant rate of return that produces
the same total return that was produced in the real
world by a varying set of returns each year. It is close
to, not quite the same as the average rate of return
because one method uses a compounding calculation and
the other uses a simple division of the total by the
number of years.
Prudent, Suitable, and Relative Risk
As detailed in our white paper "Satisfying
the Prudent Man," strikingly absent from all regulatory documents
pertaining to financial advisors is (a) any practical definition of
risk and how it is quantitatively measured; (b) any
guidance for determining how much diversification is
required; and (c) any specification of the risk
categories (conservative, moderate, and aggressive)
financial professionals most commonly discuss.
Fortunately, the traditional risk-classification model portfolios
promoted by respected industry leaders can be
used to form a de facto consensus set of risk-ranked
portfolios (right) that can be modeled, quantified,
and used as reference standards in assessing the
relative risk performance of other portfolios.
Relative Risk (R.Risk) is calculated as the ratio of
downside deviations
between a portfolio of interest and
the S&P 500 Index. The R.Risk value is displayed on
all SectorSurfer charts in the statistics
section (right) as well as on the Strategies Management
page. A Strategy or Portfolio
with a 71% R.Risk would thus have a downside deviation that is only
71% as large as the S&P 500 Index. The
downside deviation is calculated using quarterly returns
measured daily across the entire time span of the
portfolio's equity curve. To ensure consistency of the
ratio, the same time span is used for computing the
downside deviation value of the S&P 500 Index. Downside
deviation is calculated as the standard deviation of all
negative returns for all 90-day intervals over the full
time span. (Note: Prior to March 2021, R.Risk was
calculated relative to a standard financial industry
aggressive portfolio. The change was made because
differences are minor and the revised method is more
easily explained.
Quarterly Wins and Beats
The Quarterly Wins parameter reports the percentage of
time that a Strategy or Portfolio makes money over a
period of three months. The Quarterly Beats
parameter reports the percentage of time the Strategy or
Portfolio beats the index reference, which is set to the
S&P500 by default, but may be changed within the
Strategy Information popup window in the advanced
settings section.
Rolling Drawdown and Max Drawdown
drawdown can be measured in many ways. Originally we
measured it as the absolute maximum drawdown from any
point to any future point in time over the time span of
choice... a 10 year period. In 2016 when we added the 2-year rolling drawdown chart
we changed our measure to use the rolling drawdown
methodology that is also common in the industry. The
measure for each date is the maximum drawdown from the
first date through the subsequent two-year period. The
year-dates along the top of the chart represent the end
date of the two-year period. Thus the end of the most
recent two-year time span measured is aligned with the
current date. Please keep this in mind as you try to
make sense of the drawdown spikes on the chart in
comparison to major market event dates.
Just below the chart, the Maximum and Average values
over the whole period are displayed. The Strategy had a
20% maximum drawdown over the period versus a 55%
maximum drawdown for the reference S&P500, and the
Strategy had just a 2.4% average max drawdown over the
period whereas the S&P500 had 15% - over 6 times the
average drawdown.
An important matter to keep in mind is that in spite of
the popularity of Max Drawdown by investors, it suffers
terribly from the fact that it does not tell you how
long the drawdown lasted. In this chart, the S&P500
drawdowns were not only large, but they lasted years.
Conversely, in addition to the Strategy drawdowns being
much shallower, the worst of them lasted only months.
• Born On Date On
the left side of the main chart, there is a date
indicating when the Strategy was born. With Standard
SectorSurfer optimization (no
Forward-Walk Progressive
Tuning) It is set to today's date whenever you edit a Strategy and change
either the Min Hold Time setting or any of the ticker
symbols, both of which trigger SectorSurfer to
re-optimize the Strategy parameters for the current set
of conditions you've set. Standard SectorSurfer charts show a
combination of back-tested performance and real-time
performance where the back-tested performance is shown
to the left of the Born On Date and the real-time
performance is shown to the right of the Born On Date.
Certainly, Strategies with older Born On Dates have more
credibility than do freshly optimized Strategies.
However, the trend character of Strategies does exhibit
statistical stationarity and is why back-testing to
determine the character of a Strategy is valid. See
Trend Signal Stationarity on the Sector Rotation Theory
Page for additional technical information.
An optional advanced feature of SectorSurfer is the
Forward-Walk Progressive
Tuning method of backtesting and tuning updates. The
Forward-Walk methodology is considered the gold standard
of backtesting. Please read more here at the
Forward-Walk Progressive
Tuning page.
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acceptance of our Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy. AlphaDroid,
AlphaSheet, Merlyn.AI, SectorSurfer, True Sector Rotation, StormGuard,
SwanGuard, StormGuard-Armor, Dual Defense, Own-the-Bubble, Polymorphic Momentum, Tactical
Diversification, Temporal
Portfolio Theory, and SumGrowth, are all trademarks of
SumGrowth, Inc. of Seattle WA 98125. Copyright 2010-2024 SumGrowth,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SumGrowth, Inc. is not a
registered investment
advisor and does not provide professional financial
investment advice specific to your life situation. SectorSurfer
is solely an algorithmic strategy analysis tool that produces
trade signals according to the set of funds you provide to it
for analysis. Strategy performance
is hypothetical, based on trading at the market close of
trade dates, and does not include associated trading fees or
subscription fees. Past performance is no guarantee of future
performance. Losses can and will occur over time as the market's
character reacts to world events. SectorSurfer may only be used for
your personal analysis and education purposes.
Please Read More Here.